At All Hour Locksmith we understand that home security is very important especially when you consider increasing rates of crimes such as home burglaries and break-ins in our area. In cases of home robberies that are referred to as “snatch and grab,” a thief targets a home that has minimum visibility and obstructions, and within a couple of minutes can snatch and grab as much of your valuables as possible.
Studies prove that a presence of high-quality security hardware has a deterring effect on “snatch and grab” robberies and also helps reduce property insurance rates. Thieves always try to break into homes through less secure points such as exterior doors and windows.
We provide home security services that are suitable for your needs. Our technicians have extensive training to work on all residential locks, from traditional deadbolts to keyless entry systems. We can also repair, replace, or install new locks for your home quickly and professionally.
Home security is imperative, no matter where you live. Another part of our services includes identifying potential entryways for burglars to enter. We can help secure these entryways properly, to give you more peace of mind. Please check our related services list to learn more about the residential services we provide.